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New to DR: Misc. Goods Co.!

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If you've been following along with us for the last five years, you're probably aware that we're a values based brand, and that one of our core values is sourcing handmade and US made products. Misc. Goods Co. is one of our most recent additions to the shop helps us fulfill that mission! 

Founded by designed Tyler Deeb, Misc. Goods was born from what he describes as a "dry spell" while he was a freelance designer: 

"One day I showed up to my office and there was no work to do. And with a wife and two kids at home, I couldn’t be idle — my conscience just wouldn’t let me. So, as a discipline for the mind and an opportunity to sharpen my skills, I began designing a single playing card, the jack of spades. It turned out pretty well. The next day I showed up and still no work. So I designed the queen of spades. After three feverish months of this pattern, still workless, I had to my surprise finished designing an entire deck of playing cards.

Misc Goods Co Playing Card Deck

After designing the card deck and an exceptionally successful Kickstarter campaign, Deeb launched Misc. Goods Co.! Here's some of our favorite pieces from their line!

Dom's Favorite:

"I love the ceramic flasks! With a wide mouth, they're easy to drink from, and the thick walls make it more durable than you'd think. I've taken mine with me several times, and not only do I get a bunch of compliments, but everyone wants a drink from it as well (though that might not be because of the flask...). If you're looking for a statement piece for a bar, or an heirloom gift for someone important in your life, this is a great product!"

Court's Favorite:

"Usually I just carry a couple credit cards and my ID with me, so I don't need a big wallet. The slim tuck wallet is just the right size for my cards, and fits in my purse or easily in my pocket if I need to grab just that. I love that it's handmade with quality craftsman ship to make the best product possible!

Misc Goods Collection photo 

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