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Election 2020

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Today is the most pivotal moment for the future of our nation, and one of the most important decisions each of us will make. This year's presidential election is not one we can afford to be divided on the way many of us were divided back in 2016. Last election, no one agreed with either leading candidate which led to a staggering ratio of people who chose not to vote or voted for third parties. We've learned what happens when we don't vote and we cannot make that same mistake this year.

This is where you come in. The first half of the fight is making sure you know in which county you are registered to vote in. Reach out to friends and family to ensure everyone has a plan to vote if they haven't already. If you're not sure about your zoning, you can find your Arkansas voting registration information here (https://www.voterview.ar-nova.org/voterview) which will tell you in which county you are registered and the address that you are registered for (the address you are registered for may not be identical to your permanent address!).

Before voting today:

  1. If you requested a mail-in ballot (NOT an absentee ballot) you must turn the ballot in to a physical location. To ensure that your vote gets counted and matters you must turn in your mail-in ballot in person as it is past the deadline to turn it in via USPS. You can turn your mail-in ballot at official drop-off boxes, early voting stations, or your closest Election Day polling place.
  2. Bring photo ID (driver's license, student ID, passport etc.)
  3. Bring proof of residence (utility bill, mail, etc.
  4. Bring a mask and social distance. Many people will be risking their health to go out today to exercise their civic duty, be respectful and responsible and wear a mask for the safety of yourself and others. If you refuse to wear a mask, poll workers will be required to ask you to leave. 

To ensure your vote is counted:

  1. Make sure your information matches the information on record.
  2. Check your boxes clearly and ensure your signature is similar to the one on your ID.
  3. Do NOT take photos of your ballot as it can be flagged for voter fraud.
  4. Do NOT wear candidate-affiliated clothing as the poll workers will be required to ask you to leave.

Remember that this is a stressful and chaotic time for everyone, regardless of party. The constant influx of information and media covering politics absolutely has adverse impacts on our health. We will not know who the next President will be tonight as the in-person and mail-in votes will continue to be counted after tonight, so if it appears one party has an advantage over the other remember that there are hundreds of thousands of votes yet to be factored in. Do not get discouraged. The fight isn't over yet!

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